Sunday, June 22, 2014

Birthday watermelon fruit bowl for one year old kid.

This was an order that I did for the birthday party of a one-year old girl. In order to make it colorful I painted on food coloring. Elmo turned out very vibrant as did the balloons. I used blueberries for the eyes and a sliced carrot for the nose. To hold them in place I used toothpicks.

I cut around the balloons to make them stand out. Unfortunately, you can't see it in these photos, but I used a small flower shaped cookie cutter to add a touch of fun to the watermelon slices in the bowl.

 Happy Birthday Reagan!!

Friday, June 20, 2014

Birthday fruit bowl

The middle of these flowers had many overlapping petals that got smaller and deeper towards of the center of the flower. It was important to carve the middle of the flowers deep so you would get a hint of red right in the center.
This fruit bowl was filled with watermelon balls, strawberries and blueberries.

Heart shaped watermelon for Anniversary

Carving for the dance club at Galileo.

Birthday Fruit bowl

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Watermelon fruit bowl for graduation.

This was an order from a lady for her son's graduation. He graduated from high school so I had to come up with the idea and design that was more fitted with the teenage boy.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Fruit Carving Demonstration for District Career Fair, 2014.

I had been preparing different style of fruit and vegetable carving to display at the District Career Fair on May 30th a week ahead of the fair. We had a good turn out. People who attend the fair really loved out booth. We were the most crowded booth.

These were carved watermelon, honey dew, and cantaloupe. The small ones garnished around the centerpieces were carved beetroots, carved zucchinis,and turnips.

Closer look of the garnished flowers.

From the right to the left were carved papaya, kohlrabi, and cantaloupe.